Wednesday 6 February 2008

mission 4 - we could release a single!

Tonight’s episode of Torchwood was cool. Really sharp script I particularly liked Ianto's retort to Toshiko's comment "We could feed the world" for those of you who missed it he said "We could release a single" delivered with first class timing and dead pan expression on his face! Superb.

I have done the game but I'm not posting anything till tomorrow - I want to give you a chance, besides I adore validation.

Work the clues and you will see that one of my musings was spot on. Yippee!!
I will be more pious tomorrow and tell you all you need to know. lol


Anonymous said...

Hi Breeda,

A twin dilemma indeed ;-p

Well Done!

Keep Watching,


Sam said...

Thanks Sam and welcome to my blog. Have you seen anything else of note on the game front? I think it's slowed down abit...;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Breeda,

It is possible that New Eden knew about the whistleblower and employed Ms Blake to track down and close any leaks.

You are right it has slowed down a bit - perhaps it's the quiet before the storm.

If you ever had a look at the "Lost" ARG - it is very challenging, more so than the "Torchwood" one - but I suspect it's been designed to include "little ones" as well.

Keep Watching,


Sam said...

I have to muse the plot line a little more. Something on conrads note caught my attention -
Astonishing… reliable? (Hasn’t just gone doolally with grief?) that I think is a clue to who the whistleblower could be...

I think that Natalie was hired to plug leaks so to speak, until another body turns up we are stuck.

Thanks for the suggestion of "Lost" I will check it out ASAP

memorabiliashop said...

Loved Lantos retort too, very subtle.

Sam said...

I knew there was someone else out there who would get that! :)

memorabiliashop said...

For once I was paying attention, had to explain it to my girlfried though.

Sam said...

It passed a lot of people by!

After his performance in "Adam" I think Gareth David-Lloyd is proving to be a huge talent and there will be great things to come. :)