Friday 15 February 2008

the nose knows

Ok I'm back I'm up to date and I've done mission 5.

Sam if you read this I need help thinking through the time line - see mikes blog.

I have little of interest to add at this point, I am weighed down by a travel headache - driving up/down the A22 will do that. ;(

To this end my knight in shining armour has done such a sterling job on writing up this weeks mission so I direct you there.

updates -much caffine later


Anonymous said...

Hi Breeda,

The connection between Naomi's nose job and the Venus Clinic was a good call. I said to Mike that I felt the New Eden might be a red herring or misdirection from where the action is actually taking place.

I also mentioned that he might want to keep his eye on this site:

Am not sure what you mean by the "timeline", can you elaborate?

Keep Watching,


Sam said...

Hi Sam thanks for getting back to me. I would like clarification on the date Naomi and Natalie went out. (I thought you would know :) )

I think the dates and times of the whole game were questioned before in reference to accuracy!

What I'm trying to establish is the email Naomi sent, was it before they went out or could it have been after?

Could the body in the car be a clone? I'm just musing!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Breeda,

For the record, Natalie / Naomi' birthday was 15th November 1970 - So, I think the chronology is all wrong.

Keep Watching,


Sam said...

Thanks Sam,I did think we had mentioned this before.

I enjoyed reading Mikes blog as always and expanding on the Venus Clinic/New Eden topic could the Whistle blower be John Winters? Perhaps he's not to keen on what his wife is up to?!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Breeda,

That's an interesting thought, hold on to it.

Do add to your list of sites. This is Natalie Blake's Private Eye website - which I am sure Torchwood will mention in the coming weeks.

Keep Watching,


Sam said...

Added Natalies Web page - thanks Sam :)