Thursday 21 February 2008

mission 6 - I have nothing to moan about

Before I start

Sam do you have a hand in writing the game? - Is there something we should know?!
(re Natalies website.)

Even with all of Toshiko's gadgets and PC know how the Torchwood team can't crack the password on Fischers laptop (umm, yeah ok how many passwords did they crack in this weeks TV episode? ;))

So this week’s mission is to find the whistleblower.

OBJECTIVE Find the identity of the New Eden whistleblower. They might be going by a codename - a short phrase.

Ianto instructs us that we should search through Natalie's web surfing records from the hotel room (these are stored in the mission files), and reminds us that we may need to use the tools that are available to us.

Yippee a gadget - I love gadgets.

I have to confess at this point that I looked at the list and started at the bottom - I know it’s a bit like reading the end of a book first but If you scan the list we have been directed to most of sites before and unlike some I am not cat obsessed!

So starting at the end of this list then, this is the link

It takes you to what I think is supposed to be a hidden file - dark and murky! There’s the phrase - no it’s never that easy! :)

Its nine symbols which when you go to tools become clear are an alien code.

Type them in to the translator - All in one go it’s quite a clever gadget and if you put the symbols in individually is gives you with a random combination of letters - I had to play :)

- You may find that it is easier to have 2 windows open at this point you can't cut and paste the symbols!

When you finish typing in the symbols don't forget to press the translate button!
The words I MOAN appear on the screen

Big brother is watching - I promise I won't complain ever again!! - lol

I MOAN is of course NAOMI backwards - there is a theory about how people choose passwords! ;)

Armed with this info go back to

Type in Naomi (all lowercase) and click send, you are rewarded with Natalie’s video diary - apparently she wasn't so bad after all :)

At the end of the video she tells you that the whistleblower is going to contact her through Dark Talk and will use the code BLUE SKY.

This is the cliff hanger because this call is supposed to happen next week........

To keep the torchwood team happy type Blue Sky into the mission response window and Ianto congratulates you accordingly.....

That is it till next week

TA DA.......................

In conclusion - or the extra bits

Besides the main mission the case files included:-

A newspaper cutting about a body being found at the Century Hotel
(Not the sort of publicity the will be looking for)

A referral letter from Aaron Copley
(Ref episode RESET)

An Autopsy Report
(Tying the TV with the Game - Natalie apparently was a reset clinical trial subject - no heart defect!)

(Gives us his usual pep talk about listening to Dark Talk – don’t forget to listen!)

Nothing from Toshiko this week is that because she is distraught over Owens death?
(She has such bad luck with men.)


Anonymous said...

Hi Breeda,

Nope, I don't work for the BBC or any of their associates. I did a few "domain name" searches on some of the "companies" that were flagged up by the ARG. Typing in "blakeenquires" revealed that a "" and a ".com" domain name had been purchased by the BBC.

I'm glad you mentioned that the password was in lowercase and case sensitive or else you can have been all day trying out variations of "I MOAN" and "NAOMI".

I still think "Venus Clinic" may have a hand in this and that "Dark Talk" may be used as a honeypot trap to ensnare possible rogue elements.

Keep Watching,


Sam said...

I think you may be right; there isn't any other piece of the game that hasn't been involved. It's a bit strange that the only link to "Venus Clinic" has been as a result of. I mean it turns up on dark talk and even the letter from Aaron Copley doesn't mention it directly - it's a bit odd that the letter is to John Winters and not sent to Laura; does this infer that there is more of a connection, as you suspect?