Thursday 7 February 2008

crossing wires

Just a quick question if you have watched this week’s episode, not one for vegetarians!

Is it a possibility that the alien, being cut up is the same alien that is being experimented on in New Eden?

This is based on Torchwood haven’t come across either alien, ref: Ianto’s mission brief last week and this week’s episode!!

I know that it doesn’t tie in with Conrad’s Alien conspiracy ideas but he was killed by a human… more later. (Definitely not a cat person/alien cross!)

So to mission 4

Straight forward – too straight forward – Torchwood spies take note!

As per instruction follow the link to Conrad’s blog. He isn’t dead as we were led to believe – no body - so no surprise there then!!!

As you watch his blog - guess who puts in an appearance – Natalie Blake.

I had said, oh so much earlier, that it was likely to be her sister in the car. (Go me!!) Having now used up my quota of brain cells for this millennia don’t expect too much more on the insight front.

Back to the Mission

Enter Natalie’s name in the mission response window
and for the sake of consistency - TA DA.

Job done. That I am afraid is it ‘til next week.
P.s - Don't forget to listen to Dark Talk!!

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