Friday 29 February 2008

mission 7 - venus in the shadows

I know I said I would post a summary yesterday, but things really got away from me.................. :(

So a little later than promised, here it is.

For those of you who like to just punch in the final answer there is still time!

I have to say I did the whole thing backwards again. Chaos in the house meant I couldn’t really hear what Ianto said! – I heard him mention Dark talk - but he does that every week! - I also picked up on something about a gadget

Oh yeah a gadget, if you have read anything I have written before, you will know I am a gadget fiend.

Following Iantos’ advice

Listen to dark talk – there are 2 pieces of info here –

The whistle blower has recently lost his wife (relates back to Conrad’s note) and he is propositioned during the call, so he is somewhere a little seedy perhaps? (I think its safe to assume he isn’t calling from home!)
As soon as he mentions Blue Sky the signal drops only to leave static. Abigail is suitably surprised she obviously hasn’t signed up to be a Torchwood recruit.

Time for the gadget: this week it’s an audio tracker!!

It’s a bit like playing a memory game - click on the start button and a 3D map appears, it zooms in to 3 blocks which change to red and labels appear, as each place is identified, listen to the sound clips and work out where the signal might be coming from click on your selection .

If you have got it right your map shifts to the next set of buildings – If you’ve got it wrong you will be given a signal lost message and you have to start again.

If you are still having trouble the buildings are:-

Bus station

Rock Club


Fish & Chip Shop

Local Pub


When you finally get to the Cathedral, you are rewarded with a CCTV type picture and yet another dead body.

The clue is behind the body on the wall (written in blood- a suitably melodramatic idea!)

The whistleblower has written Venus

Type this into the mission response window and TA DA – that’s it till next week :)

Any theories I’m missing send me a comment.


Anonymous said...

Ianto =]

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you mean Ianto.
Call yourself an addict.

Anonymous said...


Sam said...

Its plain stupidity and lack of attention to detail, that tends to be what happens when other parts of my life take over - please see "not in the mood to blog" before you judge me too harshly. I will edit accordingly. Thank you for the observation. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous,

The point about blogs is that it makes use of informal writing, a stream of consciousness - complete with grammatical and spelling mistakes. We are not talking about Wikis, where formal, structured writing is expected. So don't be too hard on Breeda.

Keep Watching,


Sam said...

My Hero - thanks Sam xx