Tuesday 26 February 2008

twitter to the pidgin

Ok - There's been little to think about after Torchwood this week so I have been thinking about Twitter.

I'm not sure I get it or indeed, if there is anything, to get - (I'm sorry Mike)

I think it’s a generation thing - or it could be because it is a relatively slow method of communication, I'm not sure which.

Don't get me wrong I love the idea, but following your messages almost seems like an invasion of privacy- that at times makes me grin :)

I have enjoyed Madame Zee - this I think is because she writes for public consumption.

Your own txt style is tempered (different to your blog) - is this because you are aware of twitter or because you know your friends will just get it? (It could of course just be coz you are a man!!) (Men say a lot more in fewer words) - You seem to say a lot with such a few characters to play with.

I find some peoples messages are much more (I'm stuck for what to say!) - Mundane - more ordinary statements - less poetic. Do you do the poetry on purpose - "House music bleeds from the ceiling..." It’s not quite the same as limericks but there may be a market!

Sam - I hummed and ha'd about the whole Pidgin thing and went for it two days ago - I was working on the theory that I could always delete it if I hated it! :)

I have to say it appeals quite a lot - it’s not as pretty as some of the other IM devices but it’s a tidy gadget that has been designed by someone who has a sense of humour (that appeals!)

I don't have hundreds of contacts but I will continue to play with it for a while (I suspect it may stay)

It’s got quite a cool spell checker and if you type as badly as I do that's a good thing.

If I am talking to more than one person the conversation windows are contained and you utilise tabs to move between them.

All in all it’s quite a neat gadget!

If anyone out there has any other life changing widgets, gadgets, blidgets or gizmos that promise to make my life better I'd love to try!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Breeda,

There's no right or wrong tool or application. It's very much down to personal taste and whether it does the job that you want it to do.

Just go with it and have fun.

Keep Watching,


Sam said...

Thanks Sam,

I value your advice, you have much more knowlege of such things than I do. The fact that you offer this advice and provide support and encouragement is appreciated.

I have to say I am finding it fun - the ability to pounce on people has huge appeal and it seems to cope well with all the IM systems I have!!

Mike said...

Hiya Breeda,

Twitter is quite weird, and it's hard to explain how I use it, I don't really know. Sometimes I notice things and jot them down - "house music bleeds from the ceiling" is a lyric from a song by Tullycraft called One Essex girl http://www.tullycraftnation.com/mp3s.html that I happened to be listening to at the time. At times it's like a Facebook status update, but more immediate and interactive. I have got it set up to update my Facebook status actually, and I found this changed the way I wrote things a bit. I also have a Twitfeed for my blog so that when I post a new blog rambling it sends the title and first few lines to Twitter with a link and therefore also updates my Facebook status with the same thing. Terribly incestuous!

Something that you might like given Madame Zee are the novels adapted by the Loose Fish Project http://www.loose-fish.com/ - they just finished an adaptation of a novella by Herman Melville, which went out in chunks over Twitter - http://twitter.com/goodcaptain and are apparently going to attempt some other bits and pieces in the future. I think twitter is still finding out what it is itself in some respects :)

Sam said...

Hey Mike,

thought you'd got stuck in a basement somewhere. Your last sentence sums up beautifully, what I think I have been trying to say! :0)

As for the music references - they just prove I'm getting old!