Thursday 31 January 2008

mission 3 - a password of chemical pursuasion

After enjoying the last episode of the Torchwood game, I was looking forward to the challenge and I have to say I am a little disappointed. It all seemed straight forward. (Perhaps I missed something?)

Check out the note Fischer’s son found - this is in the mission files under note (no surprise there then)

Reading down you will see 'FeS2 is the password. Common Name and no spaces!' (N.B. it's also all in lower case!!)

Best thing to do is Google FeS2 – you can cut and paste direct from the note. If like me chemistry was a long time ago, read carefully, FeS2 is Pyrite the common name for this is fools gold – (hence the need for no spaces)

If you have been following the blogs between myself and Liber Perplexus, you may well have picked up on Sam Strakers’ really observant comment about the Researcher's Login on the New Eden website if not listen to Toshiko she will tell you about back doors etc on websites that lead to info that isn't for the general public.

Take the link to the New Eden website you can find this in the files and type foolsgold into the researcher login this opens a video.

Play the video it ends on a file number copy and paste this in to the mission response window.

TA DA: - all done that’s it till next week

– oh I almost forgot, you were supposed to listen to Dark Talk - Abigail speaks to a caller who has found a video of Alien DNA on You Tube, supposedly stolen from a research facility. You know where.

I can’t think of anything else to add at this stage if something occurs I’ll add it.

I thought of something check out the note

'Astonishing… reliable? (Hasn’t just gone doolally with grief?)'

I think this is the bit from the note that refers to the whistleblower. I'm just not sure who's doing the grieving. It can't be Conrad over Natalie as he disappeared before she was found dead. Any Ideas?

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