Friday 25 January 2008

why the subterfuge?

Listening again to the voicemails of Natalie Blake I have to ask why is John Winters voice disguised. You can hear him speaking on the New Eden website. This leads me to the thought, is it him calling Natalie? If not who is?


Anonymous said...

hi, i found ur blog a great help with the torch wood mission.
in reference to the Dr's voice mail on natalies phone, i listened to that before i heard him talk on the new eden website and thought even then that the voice was "strange" sounded to me like a computer generated voice, like that of steven hawkins, maybe someone impersonating him to try an trick natalie into telling him what shes found???? jus a thought ;)
great blog btw hun keep up the good work
MaJ xox

Sam said...

Thanks for this, glad I was able to help, I like your idea :) More updates due 31st. Depending on the challenge!! - oh and the bbc wales server, lets hope it can cope with the demand this week!! Breeda