Thursday 31 January 2008

mission 3 - a password of chemical pursuasion

After enjoying the last episode of the Torchwood game, I was looking forward to the challenge and I have to say I am a little disappointed. It all seemed straight forward. (Perhaps I missed something?)

Check out the note Fischer’s son found - this is in the mission files under note (no surprise there then)

Reading down you will see 'FeS2 is the password. Common Name and no spaces!' (N.B. it's also all in lower case!!)

Best thing to do is Google FeS2 – you can cut and paste direct from the note. If like me chemistry was a long time ago, read carefully, FeS2 is Pyrite the common name for this is fools gold – (hence the need for no spaces)

If you have been following the blogs between myself and Liber Perplexus, you may well have picked up on Sam Strakers’ really observant comment about the Researcher's Login on the New Eden website if not listen to Toshiko she will tell you about back doors etc on websites that lead to info that isn't for the general public.

Take the link to the New Eden website you can find this in the files and type foolsgold into the researcher login this opens a video.

Play the video it ends on a file number copy and paste this in to the mission response window.

TA DA: - all done that’s it till next week

– oh I almost forgot, you were supposed to listen to Dark Talk - Abigail speaks to a caller who has found a video of Alien DNA on You Tube, supposedly stolen from a research facility. You know where.

I can’t think of anything else to add at this stage if something occurs I’ll add it.

I thought of something check out the note

'Astonishing… reliable? (Hasn’t just gone doolally with grief?)'

I think this is the bit from the note that refers to the whistleblower. I'm just not sure who's doing the grieving. It can't be Conrad over Natalie as he disappeared before she was found dead. Any Ideas?

Wednesday 30 January 2008

new eden - new demons :)

This weeks mission seems straight forward, but I am having trouble with the video, can't get it to play. Will try again tomorrow, so watch this space.

Tuesday 29 January 2008

wiskers or felix its your call...

As a Torchwood fan, this blog started when I wanted to find out more about what others were saying about the game.

While looking I came across Liber Perplexus. An alternate reality gamer who writes coherent chatty blogs and there is outside commentry making it really interesting. I bit the bullet and posted a comment.

Since then we seem to have stretched the thought process a little too far but hey isn’t that half the fun?

Rather than repeat the conversation here check out Mike’s blog (Liber Perplexus) for the story so far.

Briefly he is theorizing that Natalie Blake is an alien cat creature:) Hence that cat references......

I’m not so sure but the more I think about it, I like the idea of vampire cats - a cross breeding program that has gone horribly wrong perhaps? New Eden is doing genetic research after all…

There is a Japanese legend called The Cat of Nabeshinia which is quite an interesting story. So we will see.

As for who is Grey/Gray it’s to early to speculate, a lot of variables, we will just have to be patient.

Friday 25 January 2008

why the subterfuge?

Listening again to the voicemails of Natalie Blake I have to ask why is John Winters voice disguised. You can hear him speaking on the New Eden website. This leads me to the thought, is it him calling Natalie? If not who is?

Thursday 24 January 2008

I missed the first mission - did I miss out?

Torchwood, kids TV for adults, it’s great. Enough going on to hold my attention but not so complex that I can't fill in the blanks. Now I have discovered the game... lucky for me there seem to be loads of people keen on playing.

Validation is good for my self esteem!.

Liber Perplexus is posting summaries which are great. Not so sure on the whole alien cat thing?!! Who knows he could be right, I'll try to keep an open mind.

I suspect that there is, besides the obvious link between Dr Laura Winters of the Venus Clinic and Dr John Winters the CEO of New Eden some connection with the work they are both doing... watch this space.

I still stand by my thoughts that it isn't Natalie Blake in her car but her sister Naomi. Listening and reading all the evidence has led me to this conclusion. If you want to know how I got there, get in touch.

It seems to be fairly public now so if you are still having problems Natalie’s telephone number is

02920 322200

The clues to this are:-

Looking under the mission files there is tab marked card which is Natalie Blake’s business card (not sure how this survived the fire 5th degree burns mean it got quite hot! but there it is the last part of the number still visible. 322200

Tosh tells you that Gwen knew Natalie from the police and all though she lived in London she was now based in Cardiff (Clue Cardiff)

So using this info you look up dialing codes (on the internet) for Wales and choose the one listed for Cardiff that’s the 02920 unknown bit of the number.


that’s what you need enter this in to the hacker tool and listen to Natalie’s messages

Now I have to wait until next Wednesday for the next installment