Thursday 6 March 2008

not sure its silicon valley after all!

Well it could be I guess, but it seems the arrow is pointing back at New Eden................. more later I need to sleep I blame the craziness that is Egg Hunting..... Facebookers beware IT IS ADDICTIVE


Anonymous said...

Hi Breeda,

Don't forget that there is a connection between "New Eden" and "Venus Clinic" in the form of John and Laura Winters.

The victims have all been "Venus Clinic" clients undergoing some form of cosmetic surgery. Why are they being referred to "New Eden"?

"New Eden" seems to specialise in fighting diseases like cancer and help to improve the immune system - so why would "Venus Clinic" want refer their patients to "New Eden"? What could "New Eden" offer them? Is there a conflict of interest here?

If you haven't listened to "Dark Talk", do! There is an interesting call from "Adam".

Keep Watching & Listening,


Sam said...

lol you know me to well