Thursday 20 March 2008

mission 10 - Simon says its "DARK TALK!"

Under some pressure this week to get the solve in quick as the next instalment is on Friday(tomorrow). So here goes

Everything seems quite urgent now, no frills or loads of paperwork to wade through. A quick message from Ianto, instructions from Toshiko, the usual email from Ianto about listening to Dark Talk and John and Laura Winters Wedding Certificate.

Skip to the chase:

Listen to what Toshiko says and go to the tools. This is the tricky bit - like the 80's game Simon you have to remember the sequence of signal beeps and enter them into the tool which traces the signal.

The sequences are as follows:

  1. N/NE/E
  2. E/SW/S/SE
  3. W/SE/NW/S/SE
  4. S/SE/W/NE/SW/N
  5. NE/N/S/NW/SE/SW/W
Where each letter or letters represent points on a compass. if you enter(click) the sequence on the device accurately the graphic zooms in until you are rewarded with a location

The location is this weeks solution its is DARK TALK type that in to the mission response window and TA DA that's it till tomorrow

In summary, that was all quite straight forward - I could of course be missing something?
Why have we now been given the Winters wedding certificate? hadn't we all concluded that they were married or was it a wild assumtion on our part?

Is the certificate our clue that connects the Venus Clinic into the senario? I thought it was the plastic surgery that was the giveaway.

And what was it that Adam said on Dark Talk in mission 8?

After Ianto congratulates you on how well you managed to use the signal detector, he then tells you not to believe all you hear on Dark Talk .......................(what is a girl to think?)

Tuesday 18 March 2008

what eggsactly is it, that dogs have in common with cats?

Slacking again this week - still caught up in the strange world that is facebook. I may well contemplate this more when Torchwood is over.

Mike pipped me to the post yet again so if you need the solve at this late stage check in on him

- thank you Mike, you are still my hero

I am a little concerned that you are switching loyalties from one four legged friend to another at this late stage of the game!!

Sam if your are passing by I would appreciate the heads up on the Dark Talk caller you mentioned as I missed last weeks instalment. :(

Tuesday 11 March 2008

Egg bound ! - Torchwood Mission Eight

I am so sorry that I haven't kept up with my obligations this week - fear not it isn't to late if you can't find the answer for yourself mike has done a sterling job and I have dragged my feet long enough for him to beat me to the post...... outrageous I know but I am hooked on the worlds largest egg hunt and last time I looked I was number one

-in London, I hasten to add, to be global number one I would have to stop sleeping all together!

I'm not sure how long it will last - lol. It's a good feeling for as long as it does :)

Having achieved the above I should be back on track to summarise tomorrow's episode with out to much trouble.

Thursday 6 March 2008

not sure its silicon valley after all!

Well it could be I guess, but it seems the arrow is pointing back at New Eden................. more later I need to sleep I blame the craziness that is Egg Hunting..... Facebookers beware IT IS ADDICTIVE